Friday, May 17, 2013

Friday's Fix' not food.

Two views of the same  bloom.  It would be nice to see bees inside of these but there are none. I hope there is some type of bee out there to help pollinate the thousands of blooms I have on the three apple trees and the pear tree.

I have larger plants of rhubarb that are ready to be harvested.  We only had one crop last year but I think it will keep coming back this year.

I am still watching and waiting for my first blooms from this plant.  All the  plants that I have of this variety have many buds on them this year. I did see some ants on them so they will be opening very soon.

The classrooms are warm now as the brick buildings have progressively retained a higher heat level each day.  It is 67 degrees F. right now but the humidity is very high.  It is like being in a raincloud.

 Speaking of a cloud, I was out with the dogs last evening and the moisture in the air was high and the smell of ammonia from the neighboring farm fields was so strong.  I don't remember having it come into town like that before but the winds were from the east and they blow over a lot of corn fields.  I didn't open the house up to cool it off until about midnight and it didn't seem to come into the house.

I am glad it is Friday.  I have a few small projects to do this weekend and I have a few large  projects to do also.  The one project will be a frame job that I will work most of this evening on and hopefully finish it off by noon tomorrow. Have a great day today and enjoy the weekend.

Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Pretty pictures, Larry. I hope you all enjoy the weekend.

  2. The peony, if you're interested, is called Paeonea Smouthii. We always called it "Mother's Day Peony" because it blooms very early, usually early to mid-May (at least around se Iowa)
