Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Hosta Power........

It will be nice to see them all up and showing off their color.  I had divided a lot of these so it will be interesting to see how they are going to grow.

My concrete swan was sitting on a couple of these tulips so I won't see them bloom this year.  I moved the hefty swan over a little to be sure I wasn't smashing anything else.

Next to my one silver maple tree the violets have spread naturally into this spot.  Not much including grass grows around the base of these kind of trees but the wild violet is a tough plant.

Facing the chance of a very warm day, I am cooling the room down right now with early morning air.  This afternoon the old classroom windows will take on heat from the sun and by then I will close up the room to keep the cooler temps.  inside.  If I were to get assigned to the high school I would be cold from the air conditioning that would be running.  

Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Looks like you have lots of blooms popping up Larry.
    We had a late, late frost two night ago, I hope it didn't hurt anything, the weather is so up and down this Spring.
    Love those sweet little primroses.

  2. I love those little violets.. sturdy no fuss plants! I am sure your Hostas will take off over the summer:)
