Saturday, May 11, 2013


The two of these finally are in full bloom.  One is a little smaller than the other and they almost resemble roses.

Another view of the magnolia in my neighbor's yard.  Petals have already started to fall from the blossoms. It will look like snow has fallen under the tree as it sheds its flowers.

It is a wonderful flowering tree.  I am glad that it is so close for me to enjoy.  My redbud will be in full bloom shortly but it will never compare to the beauty of these blooms.

I am helping to tend to the Saturday School's students today.  They come back and serve 4 hours on Saturday at the library to help clear their detention debts.  Some find it easier to do the Saturday School rather than staying after school on the weekdays. 

It is a good time for students to get work done and read.  I was able to get all my senior portrait photos formatted, named and ready to be printed this morning. I had to bring my home computer in with me as it has photoshop on it. It is a long process of standardizing all the sizes of senior photos and then place names under their photo.  All is then drug to a consistent sized background and printed out for assemble.  I will share it later as I usually do each year.

My weekend will start soon and I will see what needs or gets to be accomplished this afternoon.  My grass is so tall and I have a frame job to get going on because the wanted it by Wednesday night. I may share that one on the internet also.

Everyone take care this weekend and thanks for stopping by today.

1 comment:

  1. Those tulips are very impressive! Saturday if your week wasn't long enough. Hope your Sunday is restful:)
