Friday, June 28, 2013

Friday's Findings..........

If I were a professional photographer I would say that I leaned the camera on purpose to create a mysterious effect.  Since I am common man on the sidewalk shooting wildly I caught a jungle scene with a killer lion laying on top of a part of a windmill structure and it leans.  Tom Tom seems to find it to be cooler to be on top of garbage cans, fences and the like that keeps him elevated so he can feel the breezes.

Snowballs in the summer as seen on this hydrangea bush.  They are looking great and it seems like there are more blooms this year than the past year.

This was tough to shoot but my body shaded the plant from the bright sun to give me good color of the flowers.   The creeping bluebell is doing well in the front of the house now but is not all in full bloom.  I just have portions of it showing color.

I noticed the rains have kept me from doing my garden work.  I noticed that my body of aches and pains say the garden will have to wait.  I guess I am happier that all that is there is green and not dead from the heat.  I can see hours of work that could be done in the yard but it will wait.  Maybe I can start to whittle away at it when I am feeling better and or stronger.  Work will come first and the rest will have to eventually fit in to my schedule.  I get home from work at the hottest part of the day so I don't venture out.  I will mow sometime in the next three days unless it is downpouring again.  I did see that I have just a few red raspberries that need to be picked.  Maybe tonight that will happen.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Tom Tom must like it up there in the breeze surveying his world:)

  2. Tom Tom looks quite content. Love the snowball blooms.
