Friday, June 21, 2013

Snowball of Summer.......

I learned some new names for my hydrangea from reading a package label at a garden center.  It was called a Japanese Snowball and I do remember people calling them snowball bushes when I was a kid.  They also said it was a viburnum.  That I had not realized that it was a part of that plant family.

I didn't purchase any of the plants.  I just had a lot of questions answered about it.  It is an old tradition plant that is  put around foundations here in Iowa.  I got my start from a house from up the street that was tearing it all out to put in a completely new and modern planting.   Those people are long gone from that house but I still have a great reminet of their original old plantings.

Thanks for stopping by and I am grateful that Saturday is coming.


  1. I have one just beginning to bloom it is called..or rather the old name of it is Minnesota Snowball. It has a lobed leaf. I like yours your snowballs are larger than mine:)

  2. Beautiful blooms.
