Monday, June 24, 2013

The Desk.......

My wife's friend moved from Minneapolis to Des Moines just a few weeks ago.  She left any furniture that she had at her apartment and came with just a few possessions. We have been finding table and chairs and different pieces to help her to furnish her small apartment.  The one thing she really missed was her beat up old desk that she had at her other apartment.

On Friday we had five different garage sales in town and I glanced down one of the streets while getting off work and I saw a desk.  Five dollars later I had a desk hanging out the back of my trunk of my car.

I has a painted on finish on a hard wood that was all scratched up and with water rings and stains. I decided to sand off the top of it to see how good the wood would look. If not good, I would paint it.  It is actually a cheap hardwood.  They used it rather than use real maple and then painted on a very dark finish to make it look all one color.  In this case it was made all one maple finish color. You can see the edge in this photo that shows what the top looked like before sanding.

The grain isn't outstanding but I decided that it will look just as good as some butcherblock wood tops.

I was impressed with the construction of the drawers with dovetail connections and real wood rails both on the drawer and on the main desk.

The pulls are not very fancy but they were a good shape to go with the colonial theme.

One coat of floor varnish on the top and it makes it looks great.  We now have a second coat on the top and we are almost done.   More will be shown as the project concludes the next two days.

Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Good buy, it should be perfect for your friend! :)

  2. It turned out well and I know she will enjoy it.
