Thursday, July 4, 2013

Have A Good Day!!!!!!!!

I could go on and on about the loss of freedoms and the wasting away of good principles of law in our country and yet we are in so much better shape than the rest of the world.

The lack of democracy and the push of specialized causes is not making it in the countries around the world. Socialism seems to work in some countries that already respect law and order  but in most of them it is not the answer and can not bring order to the lack of law and order. 

Representative government works even when one side abuses, lies, steals and cheats.  Sooner or later the unjust will be removed from office and their socialistic ideas will cause them to crash and burn.  Mob rule in politics just like mob rule in the Arab world really does not look out for all the people, just a select few. 

I have toned this down as I really could name names and express real anger over the situations that are happening in this nation the past few years. The liars and cheats do eventually lose in the end, even if there own opinion of themselves keeps them from knowing there fallacies.

Have a good day off today.


  1. I guess God will sort it all out. I liked your red white and blue today:)

  2. Our country is certainly in need of prayer. Sometimes it is hard to watch the news.

    Pretty photos.
