Tuesday, July 30, 2013

The Grill Man........Andy

My son in Chicago grilled some chicken pieces for their party that they were giving for their young son baptism party.  It was good chicken and he really does like to cook.  He was cooking lobsters a few years back when we were out in Maine visiting the other son and his wife.

It was a busy day yesterday at work.  We finished the waxing of the last of all the hallways.  We were pressured to have them all done by August 1st so we  have them done.  I think that school starts two and a half weeks later so we got done under the wire.  We  have a lot of behind the scene projects to do now.  I think the crew reduces in size after Friday and I remain until school starts.

Cool weather today again and no rain.  It did rain in the state and that helps some.  We have some corn that is still only thirty inches high and a lot of bean fields because they were too late to get corn planted.  We have a field of corn that got in early across the street and I will venture  over and take a shot soon. It is very tall and impressive.  Thanks for stopping by today.