Saturday, August 17, 2013

Saturday Check In.....

I had this put together a few evenings back but once completed I saw a piece of lint floating inside the glass.  I hate when that happens.  I know it happens a lot of times when one is in a hurry.  Also when you slip the glass and artwork into a frame from the back a vacuum is created and it can suck in particles of anything into the picture.

I left the hole exposed on the inside of the frame.  I am not sure what the perfectly drilled hole was all about but I thought it would add conversations about the frame by others who see it.  I have never put a finish on barn board material before but this was a satin finish varnish.   It did leave some shine on it but I really wanted it to keep the wood from flaking off it red paint while the framed item was hanging on the wall.

Snake patrol duty today for me.  I have garter snakes that are hanging around the basement stairs on some days.  The day the gas meter person was here apparently there were two of them on the stairs.  She wrote me a letter to have them removed.  I will try to caulk up any cracks the they might be living in and also will fill in a space that they like to sleep in between the door and the support board.  It was a strange letter that I received and yet if you have a fear of snakes I do know one would not go down those stairs. Actually there are far more than two as they seem to be young ones that were birthed this spring.  Hard to catch a snake when it is a small six inch creature.  I can't pick them up with the dog pooper scooper when they are that small.

A day of odd jobs to do around the house will be my only goal today.  Barney gets a bath today whether he likes it or not. I have a frame job to start today but will not work too hard on it.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. That's a great photo of the boys. Love the frame with those mats.

    Funny to get a letter about the snakes. Believe it or not, we have not seen one snake here in our "new" woods!

  2. Interesting to get a letter about removing snakes that aren't dangerous.
    If the snakes are small, try glue traps. As long as you check them often, it won't hurt them to be stuck for a little while. Move the trap to a place the snakes can live and spray them with Pam cooking spray. They'll slide right off. Worked great when we had a skink in our basement.

  3. I love that frame! What a special keepsake, to be passed down through the generations.
    We don't have garter snakes where I live. Strange though...there used to be the odd one, when I was a child, but they seem to have become extinct, from this area.
    I guess your meter person has a fear of snakes.

  4. I can imagine the letter...I bet she was scared to death I know I would have been.
    They could be living in the walls, I heard of a place being torn down where the wall was full of snakes.
    Bath day for Barney...what fun for you!
    Have a good day...I bet you are looking forward to Tuesday and a change of jobs:)
