Thursday, August 22, 2013

Thursday's Things......

I was surprised to see the creeping blue bells blooming again.  The large bed in the front of the house died out about a month ago.  The tomato plants get to be watered and this plant is glad to get a second chance to bloom.

The hosta is trying to regroup after a planter fell onto it from above.  The dry weather has slowed it down but I have been watering it to give it a boost.

This guy seems a little disgusted about his bucket.  It is rusting away and he does carry water winter and summer.

From green to red the tomatoes keep ripening.  I don't have many but a friend gives me large tomatoes from her garden.

Day two of being an art teacher back in my old room.  It doesn't take much to get back into the swing of things.  Kids haven't changed much and it scares me that I might be caught in a time warp.  I have to remember that I get to walk away from this room in a week and a half.  It has been sort of a rocky start as I have to go out and beg for info about what is going on.  I have two principals and a counselor that seem to be too busy to provide me with schedules and other materials to get the job done.  I thought we had an abbreviated day today but we didn't.  I am not sure why as we always had the first two days of school shortened. 

Friday is coming and I will be glad to get some time off.  Thanks for stopping by today.

1 comment:

  1. Nice looking tomatoes! Got your old room for you..Hope someone finally came through with some direction for you :)
