Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Foliage Day

We actually had a rain storm last night.  There was first a small shower during the sundown with it being sunny and rain falling from the sky.  Then in the middle of the night the thunder got our smallest dog up and me with him and it was raining.  It is strange to see water running down the street and off of the porch roof since it had not done so since June.  It was cold and wet back then. 

The one middle photo of the hosta shows it trying to revive from our summer weather. I felt sorry for it and started watering it some when I watered my containers of plants. 

It did cool us off a little but it will be warming back up today one last time.  It will be 89 degrees in the metro area which means we may hit 84 degrees F. today.

Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. I know the rain was welcome but Button probably did not like the thunder. Pretty plants today.

  2. Our foliage is showing signs of slowing down, yellows indicating Autumn is fast approaching.
    Love the Sedum !
