Saturday, September 28, 2013

Shinning on..........

I didn't have work on Thursday so I finally waxed the car.  I had been planning to do it for a couple of months and Thursday was the day.  It is a six year old car and I did wash and wax it through the car wash in the past.  I really never kept up with the washing and the liquid wax really didn't help much after a couple of rains. 

I know from experience with the earlier model cars that hand waxing does give the car a thorough cleaning as the hand rubbing of the wax onto the car helps to deep clean the surface.  Also when you polish it there is a lot of satisfaction to feel that smooth finish.  We of course had a slight sprinkle this morning and the car had a perfect pattern of bubbled up raindrops.

I could ramble on about how all the tail lights of cars of most models and makes are made overseas.  Lots of times you can't tell which company it is if you only see the head or taillights.  I think it is interesting how everyone has a very similar looking steering wheel. I had to keep moving the car into the shade to get the waxing and polishing completed.  I just hand waxed even though a lot of people use a power polisher.

The third bloom is opening on my white marigold.  I don't think it will ever be a flower filled planter before the first frost.  It would be nice if I could keep it going so that the majority of it were covered with flowers.

Another shed shot that shows some of my pottery stowed away in the garden shed. The aluminum coffee pot was a garage sale item I purchased years ago.

A week ago I did finally replant all these violets.  I started these two years ago and they were placed in a eight inch planter to give them time to get bigger.  Well from this archived photo you can see they did get pretty crowded.  They did well in this planter and it had no drainage holes in it.  I had to water gently as to not rot anything off.  I think that I remember getting five plants out of here.  They were big enough that I can't tell which ones I transplanted from my regular sized ones.  Now I want to see them bloom.


I will finish off with a lone hollyhock.  The stem is very tall and the flower is at the very top.  The bumblebee is really glad that it is still open.

I am sitting in Saturday school again today.  I had a couple of days off through the week so it doesn't feel to bad to work today.  We are headed to Ames to the bookstore to bum around a little.  My wife's cold is better but it is still there.  I told her to nap all morning so she can go for an outing in the afternoon.  We had a sprinkle of rain this morning and that will be it for the day.  

Thanks for stopping by my post today.


  1. Your car looks great. I enjoyed your flower pics and the pottery, too. I hope you both will enjoy your time at the bookstore later today.

  2. Larry, once we return home from this Niagara Falls-Toronto road trip, I have to wash and wash my Jeep Liberty. I really have a difficult time with the roof as it is high so I need to use a steps tool. Next car will have a lower roof for sure!

  3. Larry, this is a task I will have to do on my Jeep Liberty when we return home from our Niagara Falls trip early next week.

  4. Love a good wax job on the car. So hard to find time to do it any more. Yours looks good!!!
