Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Braving the Cold.......

It seemed to be too cold to be out there but I went out anyway.  I knew the birch tree had changed color overnight and I saw some other changes that I wanted to capture. The daylily seems to be decorative as it keeps reacting to the cold temperatures.  Some years we have snow right away and I don't get to see these subtle changes in color.

I am saving the full view of the birch tree for another blog on another day but here is a sneak peak of it.  The redbud tree seems to get greener in color which makes the birch look brighter.  It was cold and the batteries kept wanting to fail on me.  I could shut the camera off, turn it back on, and then get one quick shot.  I could have gone back in to get more batteries but I didn't really want to return outside.  As long as I could keep miking the batteries and it worked, I just kept up the routine.

To my surprise these hollyhocks are still blooming even with the almost freezing weather. The have been on the ground for the past weeks and I should have staked them. I guess cold is better than heat for this type of flower.

My last day of high school math today.  It has not been a bad assignment but 7 periods of it can get to be dull.  The students are behaving well and yet have two different tournament events going on in the evening so they seem a little distracted.  The boys play a first  round game in football tonight and the girls played a first round in a volleyball tournament. 

I hope Friday is still going to be a warm day as I have a few things to finalize outside.  I don't think I will ever mow again unless it is to mulch up the leaves, but the leaves are not down yet. I can pull tomato vines now as freezing weather blackens them overnight.  I don't work on Friday so I will try to get things caught up.  Thanks for stopping by today.

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