Saturday, October 5, 2013

Saturday Stuff......

I am running out of photos to post today and I am stuck at school for four hours.  I will dig in the files and see if I can find something to use that I haven't used before.  My disclaimer is that I am old and my memory isn't so great anymore. I will warn you that you might see a photo that was posted before now and I hope no one is appalled, surprised or even disgusted that they have to see the same picture again. Remember that I am old.

We have had large rains the past few days and I noticed this morning that I don't have many blooms left on some of my geraniums.  The plants are good but they sure took a beating from the very hard downpours.  That is so strange that we even had heavy rain as it has been so long since we had.  I am anxious to go out and see if the cracks in the ground under the pear tree has changed in size.

Bike City is the new title I am giving to Woodward, which is where we live. It is nothing like the conventions of big bikers in South Dakota but we have lots of people visiting during the summer.  The bike trail for two wheeled pedal bikes that ends here in this town connects a few miles east to a very tall train bridge, High Trestle Bridge, that crosses the Des Moines River. The trail keeps going south for many miles connecting to large towns near Des Moines. The bridge itself is a big thing for Iowa as it was built on top of the old train bridge piers which are 14 stories high.  The new bridge gives people a chance to look long distances up and down the river. We have tourist all summer coming to eat at our  three cafes, visiting or two shops that have antiques and then setting off on the bike trail.

Some people just visit the town and cross the bridge on bike, then turn around and come back to our town. They don't take the trail on its long distance  Others who don't do the two wheel thing hike out to see the bridge and then return. Our small town is full of new and interesting visitors with their bikes and helmets all summer and it is fun to see it happening here.  One doesn't know how many interesting bike outfits for sale in stores until you watch them pass through the town.  Most small towns in Iowa are sitting still is in growth and in excitement in general. We are invaded with people who wear their pants too tight.

Even if it is boring to you please stay with it as the bridge is lighted up at night and that you
must see.

Ok, back to my story.  The town has started to display bikes outside in their yard to promote their pride of the bike trail.  I never read anything about it encouraging citizens to do so but my bike has been out for a long time.  I notice that most people are putting out older bikes that are all painted up in vivid colors.  I also see that they have a chain on them attached to a street pole or a tree, to keep them from being stolen.  I think the one that I have in storage under my river birch tree will be moved out under the pear tree so that I can share in their cause.  It is a good thing as some towns have different things as their themes like painted pig sculptures.  Our bike theme is pretty neat.

I repotted my Christmas Cactus (Thanksgiving Cactus is the correct title) in this ceramic pot.  It was getting to be difficult to keep hydrated and care for as it was in its original plastic pot in which I had purchased it a few years back.  It was out in the many rains the past few days and there is not drainage holes in the bottom.  I am going to have to lay it on its side for a while to get it to drain off excess water. 

The verbena has proven to be a great plant for my patio this summer.  I know it was a late, cheap purchase but it loves the weather we are having and jut keeps blooming.

We will head to the bookstore again this Saturday in the afternoon.  It is a nice place to hang out and drink strong coffee or even hot cocoa.  It is nice to get out of town and we may make a pit stop at the Walmart on the way home.  Thanks for stopping by today and have a good day.


  1. John watched the weather this a.m. and told me parts of your state got rain and wind. I know you welcome the moisture.
    This is very interesting about the bike trail. The video was entertaining and the bridge is pretty at night.
    Hope you both are feeling better and enjoy your leisurely afternoon at the bookstore. A cup of strong coffee sounds good about now!

  2. Your bridge is beautiful at night! If I were you and younger, I would open one of those fancy smanchy coffee shops with you know whose pies:)
