Monday, October 7, 2013

Monday, Monday........

I call this "hopeless" as the rains took the bunch of blooms and smacked them leaving one last bud blooming today. All of my hardy geraniums and large white marigold took hits like this.

There is always hope though as you can see a new set of buds are going to bring back the color.  I bet I will have to bring this into the house to prevent it from freezing so I can have it in partial bloom when it comes inside. 

I cleaned and rearranged the storeroom so I will be able to start bringing in plants.  The storeroom has good eastern light and the birds also live in there.  The storage room is going to be less storage now as I have vowed to start throwing nonessential stuff into the garbage. I have too many chairs and too  many tables so three chairs were taken to the basement this morning.  

I also took down or folded up the large dog crate as Barney doesn't need to be put into it anymore. It folded up into a flat piece that I could unfold quickly if I needed too.  I have thought about putting the cockatiels in that crate but it doesn't have a door for me to open to give them their food and water. I also am not sure that they might squeeze through the bars.  I would have five cocateils flying around the house at one time with one or two dogs barking and chasing them.

This is the bottom of a tall wastebasket that I had not returned to the basement. It looks like about three or more inches in the bottom of it.

We have enjoyed our roma tomatoes this summer. I noticed that I have a few left out there if they can make it before frost.  I can bring them in if it gets too cold and they will ripen inside. 

I have the day off and again I am at projects trying to catch up from working too much and too hard at school.  I have a lot of things to get done before winter.  I lighted the pilot light on our furnace yesterday and we did enjoy having the house warmed up to a good temperature.  I did fire up the fireplace last night and burned up some scrap wood.  It works well as long as the wind doesn't blow as my chimney is a little too short.  

Thanks a lot for stopping by today.  

1 comment:

  1. You would have quite a scene if your birds got lose with the 2 dogs chasing them.
    John loves Roma tomatoes and grew some 2 summers ago.
    Hope you both picked up some good books over the weekend to enjoy reading by your fire.
