Friday, October 18, 2013


It was fairly warm yesterday and I made my final trip to see what was left to be picked. The green pears fall to the ground and can handle the bounce. I like that as I can bring them in and let them ripen with out bruises.  Any bruised pear needs to be eaten the next few days.

I ended up with a bucket of pears at the bottom, apples in the middle of the bucket and then found one more branch that had pears.  I removed them all and sorted them as I can see apples smashing the pears.  We have a hard freeze coming next week so the picking will be completed then.

I did get the tall ladder to get these apples.  It was cold so the apples were very cold and hard as I picked them.  I won't pick anymore of these as I have already too many apples to get ready for freezing. I will venture out and pick up apples to give to my friends who have three horses.  I guess she shares the apples with the whole stable at the Jester State Park.

This geranium bounced back quickly from the few days of wind and rain storms.  It has budded and opened up a lot of nice blooms. I still have two plants of my geranium collection outside and I will get them inside today. I have to tote two large containers of agapanthus to the basement in the next couple of days.  I will get a dollie cart to help me get them down my outside basement stairs.

This group of plants are in for the winter.  This is the window that I look out during all weather to take shots to show the weather in Iowa.   Right now the birch is still holding onto its leaves and the weigela still has leaves so you can't see out. I have a photo I will show later that I took across the street toward the house.  My trees and bushes really do hide the house on the east side.  One dormer window show up in the photo and the rest of the house is hidden. I kind of like it that way.

I am home again today.  It is very cold outside and doesn't promise to reach any warmer that 52 degrees F.  I have a few things to do with plants outside but I will wait until it gets to the 50's first. I had a good adventure over to the neighbor's corn field and I will share more about that later.  I get a lot of good photos and I need to scatter them in my blogs rather than show and tell them all at once.

Thanks for stopping in today and have a great day.


  1. Nice that the horses get to enjoy the apples too. Your weather is turning cold fast. You have some back breaking work, picking up fallen apples and moving heavy potted plants. Don't work too hard. Hope you two have a good weekend.

  2. Those pears look lucky you are to be able to grow them! Your window looks lovely..very cheerful:)
