Thursday, October 3, 2013

Thursday Already.......

It isn't a pretty sight but this is stage two of my transplanting of violets into a planter bowl.  It worked so well that I decided to do it again with new starts. 

The stage three that I completed a couple of weeks ago had me removing plants that are this big from the bowl above.  There were four large ones and a smaller one. The violets had stayed too long in the bowl but they did stay alive.  I don't know the colors of the ones that I potted individually but I will mark them when they bloom for the first time.

I am an English teacher today studying the parts of speech.  I have 7 different classes of sixth graders to watch over and direct.  Behaviors have been good.  The way that the schedule is set up each one student actually comes into this classroom twice during the day.  Each time the groups change in their population.  The first time they come in as students of Literature and the second time the students study English and word usage.  One student came in first hour and will return during fifth hour.  Another student may come second and then return eighth hour.  I should be able to get the names down on each student at the end of the day.

It is warming up in the classroom already and it has warmed up outside too.  I will be ready for the day to be done.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. I know I've mentioned to you many times about mother loving to start violets. What I haven't mentioned is that Karen's oldest son, who turned 39 yesterday, was her helper. He called the starts, "babies." I can still visualize the two of them working on the pots of violets.
    Your day sounds very demanding. Hope you have a restful evening

  2. You make me consider starting up with African violets again -- I used to have god success with them. I especially like the picotees.
