Friday, November 1, 2013

Friday's Color Show.........

I am showing another neighborhood shot today.  This time it is my house and trees that you are seeing with the  other neighbor's blue house.

Try to identify all the trees in this picture as well as the shrubs.  There is an ash, river birch, apple tree and a poplar tree.  There also is a Japanese yew and a burning bush.   I was going to just show how slow my burning bush is doing in changing its leaves but I noticed I had a variety of things growing here.  My neighbors shrub like this is extremely bright red right now. The ash tree is the one that looks dead with seeds.

We had a moderate sized group of kids for Halloween last night.  The high school kids use to show up for free candy but I guess they are too busy texting each other to go out to beg for candy.  I bought a sack of gala apples to be reserved for an emergency treat but some of the kids really thought I was offering them a great thing.  Our weather was good for Halloween for out area.  It was about 47 degrees F.  I remember taking our boys when it was icy and snow was on the ground.

This is another grouping of trees and a shrub.  The redtwig dogwood in the front is still green but the red maple and the birch all help to make it look like an artist's palette with splotches of paint. 

Thanks for stopping by today. I hope you all have a great weekend.


  1. Beautiful color in your yard.

    John has memories of cold Halloween nights in MI. He also remembers his mom going thru his candy and picking out her favs!!!

    Raining here today.

    Have a good weekend.

  2. Finally the color is showing up here in Wellman. But still it's nothing compared to Michigan. Still you seem to have some nice color there. At least some red. everything is yellow or brown here.
