Monday, November 4, 2013

Looking Out..........

When I turn around from my desk, away from the computer, I have a window that lets me see out to the east.  Those who follow me have seen a shot once in a while with hardy geraniums in the window or an oxalis in bloom. This time I have a sequence of pictures. It is a smaller window and I have to put the camera almost to the glass to get the pictures.  Beyond my trees is the street and then the neighbors house and garage can be seen.  The farm field is then behind them. The shrub in the foreground is a weigela and it changes color later on during the colder weather. I will return one more time to snap ever leaf off of the birch.  Those leaves dropped the last three days and have a scant few left.

I am in the middle school today with second chance reading classes.  I do have one remedial math class in there during the day.  I had not worked for three and a half days, including weekends, so I was shock to get work again as I felt I had been abandoned.  I am actually lined up for the next three days for sure to work various assignments.

 The planter is now mostly weeds and I would do it well to get it emptied and taken to the shed. The wild violets come from the stray soil that I added to the planter in the srping from the garden soil outside.

It was a good weekend with last Friday being a bookstore day.  Saturday I did get some outdoor work done and I still have a couple important things to finish before the snow flies.  The pieces of clear plexiglass on my old kitchen windows have made a marvelous improvement in the kitchen. The wind blew from the south  and it proved the 50 bucks price tag was very well worth it.

I hope your week is starting up ok.  The time change is a curse and I am not sure when we will get adjusted and the dogs will get adjusted to the new times. My summer work schedule still messes with me and I wake at 5 to be ready to got to work a 6.  So now if I lapse into that schedule by mistake it will be 4 in the morning.  Fortunately I usually go back to sleep after I have grumbled about summer work.

Thanks for stopping in today.  Survive Monday and it will get better soon.


  1. Yes Monday is almost over, I hate the time change too. We had rain with a hint of snow all melted. Good to hear that your project will make a difference in your heating:)

  2. I welcome the time zone change because it will not seem so dark now in the a.m. when I head out to the local "Y".
