Thursday, November 7, 2013

Slabs of Clay...........

A past work of mine that was made for an example to show the students the building with slabs of clay. One does roll it out with a rolling pin and cut it into shapes.  Also a liquid clay is used to help glue the pieces to It is using slabs of clay to create forms.

The detailing on this is hurried so I am not happy with the result.  It is not like I was a full time artist and placing a lot of time on it.  As I was teaching, mentoring and a couple of other things at the time and squeezing in demonstration time. I pick up pottery magazines at the bookstore and admire the clay artists who put countless hours into these three dimensional pieces.

I have resolved to do less blogging but keep my presence on the web.  I am not how I will handle that but I don't want to go cold turkey and quit at this time but am going to try to streamline and survive. I am a librarian for a half a day and then I will be teaching high school math in the afternoon.

We had a hard freeze last night with it being 29 degrees F.  Lots of frost in town means it was a lot colder in the country.  I didn't see a single field not picked last night but I bet there are still a few out there. Thanks for stopping in today.


  1. I love this piece! The irregularities ad to its charm.

  2. It was interesting to see what could be done with strips of clay, Larry, and given more time and painting these houses are very interesting, I am sure.

    Whatever you decide as far as blogging, Larry, you should decide wheat works best for you. Personally I enjoy blogging and my biggest problem is finding time to both read and comment on other blogs. Given the choice, I would prefer to keep posting and commenting less. This doesn't mean I would read fewer blogs, just not leave comments all the time.

  3. I hope you will find your comfortable place with blogging...but please don't stop.
    I think your clay creation is delightful:)

  4. I love the clay building.

    I hope all is well and you will blog when it is convenient. I hope to blog more after the holidays.
