Sunday, November 24, 2013

Sunday Burrrrrr........

The spare room has a great window where you can look out to see a grand expanse of the neighborhood.  The redbud keeps the view blocked all summer but now one can see out to the southeast.  I can't also see out all summer as the cockatiels get to sit in the window and view the other birds in the trees.  The squawk warning sounds when dogs or people walk by on the sidewalk.  It is a good time for them until it gets to be too cold for them to be next to the window. I move them back a few feet so they can still see out but they don't have the harsh cold glass making them sick.  I now have my summer plants in front of the window now.

This junco posed for me while picking up his last seed for the evening.  There have not been a lot of birds out there yet,  Maybe the timber birds will take a while to move into town as heavier snow will cover their seeds on the trees and bushes.

It is too cold out there but we will venture out sometime  this morning.  The sun is bright but we are still sitting at 8 degrees F. this morning.  Warm up will come to 21 degrees F.  I know we need to bundle up for the weather. 

I know a lot of my blogger friends are cold this morning and others are now becoming cold.  I hope all have something good to eat and something warm to drink as we move into this season.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. A winter wonderland outside your window for sure. Stay warm!

  2. Pretty photo of the bird.
    Our weather won't be as severe as yours this winter, but we did stock up on tea bags for hot tea and a variety of soups for the days we don't want to be out.
    Hope you both are feeling better.

  3. You're telling me it's cold! And 6 inches of snow here!
