Saturday, November 9, 2013


and now. The trees do actually help us have more privacy by not having to look out onto the neighbor's property.  All winter we can see them come and go while during the spring through fall time we don't see them as much. 

The redbud tree, the green one in the middle, will be the last to lose its leaves.  They are turning yellow now. The birch has lost all of its leaves and is all branches.  The yard is a full carpet of leaves now and I will have to start mowing them up into powder very soon.  Our forecast says we are going to be very cold this coming week so I may have to bundle up to get the job done.

The flag iris in this location did not bloom this year.  It  seems to be still very much alive and maybe normal spring weather will bring it back to it having blooms.  I have three different flag iris and I think I had two blooms off of one planting in another area.

The one planting next to the patio put out two blooms and this is it.  I checked the files to see if I remembered correctly. After while the years all run together. Eventually I will probably ramble on and run all the years together and I won't know the difference. I guess if you don't know I can pull it off for a while.

On the way to Perry last night I saw one farmer had baled up his corn stalks.  I will be curious to see if this farmer will do the same across the street.  It makes for a lot of noise and dust when they do it.  The person who bales it, a former student of mine, also drives very fast like he is wanting to break the sound barrier. It is quite a sight when he does it in the evening when it is dark.

I am being the monitor for Saturday school this week.  I had a couple of Saturdays off.  I had worked all five days this week which is abnormal so I thought I would refuse to do it this Saturday.  The secretary in charge with the assignments was having family problems and just said you are taking this so I can get it off my list of things to get done.  So here I am.  It does give me 4 hours to do computer work which means I do long blogs on Saturday.

I have a bag of cactus in my car that I need to get into soil.  I really didn't want to be an avid collector but the person really wanted me to have some of the offspring of her collection.  Some are from Peru and others are from Mexico.  I will get them potted some of these days and I will share the prickly experience.   I did get pricked shockingly right away when she handed me the bag.

Thanks for coming by to see the pictures and read the words.  I proof read about 20 business letters for sixth graders yesterday and I think I can write a little better than a sixth grader.  Have a great weekend everyone.


  1. I like your comparison shots of the tree with and without leaves.
    Lovely fall photos.
    The cactus sound very cool.

  2. You write just fine! Back at Saturday School...the kids just cannot behave during the week...I would have hated to give up my Saturday as a kid:)

  3. We miss the leaves blocking our view of the neighbors too. It will be many years before our new Evergreen will be big enough to block.
    You have had a very busy week at work! I know you look forward to a restful Sunday.
    What a treat to have received the cactus plants.

  4. p.s. I meant to say how amusing that would be to see the guy racing to cut down the corn stalks!

    That's a lovely iris. Wonder why they skipped blooming??
