Thursday, November 14, 2013

Thursday's Things........

They are gone.  I went out in the afternoon to get some closer shots of the corn stalk bales and there were not any bales out there.

It was a hurried job to get them out of the field as they were baled the day before and they returned and immediately removed them. I did not see them take them away.

The neighbor didn't see them go. She was surprised as she went out in the evening to get another shot and felt cheated.  The farmer must have all his crops in now as he had the time to pick them up right away.  Normally they lay in the field for a week or so before they get removed.

Those who follow me know that the donkey took a gret fall and was broken for a while.  He is back together again and I have put him back into service.  I was dealing with replanting various things yesterday and I though I could get some oxalis growing in the basket again. The base part was not broken so it was the donkey's legs that I had to reattach.

I know the planter is at least 60 years old.  I really don't know where it came from but I remember it in 1953 sitting on our kitchen table with a vine planted in it. It was put on top of a crochet doily in the middle of our gray formica table.  We had the gray padded vinyl chairs with chrome legs. The doily and planter were removed every meal and replaced once the dishes were done. I have seen other planters similar to this on the internet  but none were glazed the same way.  I suppose they were hand painted in a small factory and the workers were given the freedom to paint the colors that they wanted. I like the white-cream colored background of the basket base as the ones I have seen are very dark in color.

On my Photo a Day blog I had shared this birdbath shot with leaves and water in it.  As you can see it is now a frozen pizza with lots of ice.  We  may thaw out a little today as we were just 32 degrees F. this morning when we got up.  It is to be in the 50's later on today.

I am headed in today at noon to become the high school English teacher.  A half day work is good when I have this stupid cold.  It seems to be a mild cold but it just likes to hang on for a while. Thanks for stopping by today and have a good day.  Friday is coming soon.


  1. That farmer is not cooperating with you and your neighbor's photo taking!!!
    I love the donkey planter. Karen had a little girl planter back in the 50's. It broke and she threw it away and I retrieved it and glued it back together!!!
    So sorry about your cold. We had one a few weeks ago that really made us sick. It did, however, convince us to get a flu shot!
