Sunday, November 17, 2013

What I missed this summer........

I didn't get the zinnias planted this year and I really liked having them growing in the garden.  It was a busy tough summer so it will be ok if I look forward to planting them next spring.

No morning glories on the trellis this year. I usually plant seed and have volunteer plants that come up and bloom. Not any morning glories in our summer heat would have grown.

The drought kept my mums from sprouting  and growing this year.  I didn't see any of my plants this year and I may have to buy new ones.

I did see a monarch butterfly for a few days but other wise there were no butter flies this year. I bet the migration went through Nebraska this year and we sure didn't see one coming through here.

No moss rose in a granite pan this year. I guess I was under the weather enough that I shut down all thoughts about it.  I do know that one wouldn't want to buy plants when the heat was so great for so long.

Sedum did bloom but never made it to full red this year.  I am glad the plants are still alive and it will come back next year.

So there will be another spring.  The iris and lilies will spring forward again and the trees will leaf out again.  We had a light rain this morning and some leaves are still dropping a few at a time.  It is a gray day but we are warm.  The past two days have been warm and it is welcomed.  We have a good day to get more rest as we both get over this viral attack.  We both feel better but not really great at this time.  I haven't had a bad cold for a long time but this one is just like the last one that I had.

I hope everyone is well and you do enjoy this Sunday.  Thank you for stopping by this day. 


  1. Lovely photos, yes I missed your Zinnia photos too, they are a great plant for late season color! Buy some of the Dreamland Seeds..a little expensive but well worth it! No Monarchs here either, but I blame the crop sprayers:(

  2. It's nice to see your colorful photos today, Larry. We have had a dreary/rainy weekend.
    The colorful zinnia blooms remind me of grandmother.
    We saw a few butterflies this summer. I hope to plant a Lantana in spring to attract more.
    We will be getting a few cuttings of trumpet trees and elephant ear bulbs also soon.
    We've been in this weekend and we are watching a squirrel make what seems like hundreds of trips up a tall tree adding leaves to her nest.
    Hope the rest today will help you both to feel better.

  3. Sounds much like my summer last year. Somethings just couldn't handle the heat. I was so happy to see my purple mums recover and bloom this year. I hope you get all your flowers back next year. Time to plan and dream about the next garden.

  4. Your pictures are fantastic !
    So beautiful butterfly !
    Greetings from Poland !
