Friday, December 6, 2013


He is inside now but his expression and appearance does express the weather right not.  I think he is wondering when the weather will be better.  Everything is dead and it was -1 degree F.  this morning.  It shuts every thing down out there that was ever green a few weeks ago.  The angel actually is in the house with his repaired wing,  enjoying the heat from our furnace.

Barney is busy watching and guarding the house from intruders.  He is at his inside bay window position right now watching the neighbor getting into his car. He doesn't like the cold when the wind blows but with not snow on the ground his feet get colder.  Barney has survived another bad year of summer allergy. He coat looks the best it can be and I have to keep him brushed often.

I am finishing off the week in the middle school English classroom.  I think by Monday the staff person will be back maybe she won't be exactly feeling her best but maybe she will have beat the crud.

I hope all are keeping safe with all the snow that the north and south bloggers are receiving.  We are just too cold. It is so cold that the ice that was on things has frozen and evaporated away. Stay warm and be safe and thanks for stopping by this Friday.


  1. I like angels in the garden. Your dog is very clever and inquisitive

  2. Barney is such a sweet dog. He has a great "guard post!"

    Glad the angel is safely inside for the winter.

    I would have difficulty with temps as cold as yours.

    Stay safe and warm. God bless you both this weekend.
