Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Hey, it is hump day!

Of course the camel is glad that hump day is finally here. He has a sly eye if you look closely.  He knows that he could be on television and do insurance advertisements if he wanted to do it.

The goat really isn't impressed that it is Wednesday as all the days seem the same to him.

I enjoy the animals that actually are little sculptures. I had small animals for my farm set and the they were not very detailed but as a young guy they were as close to real to me as anything.

I will conclude this post with some shiny brights in a jar.  I found some of my oldies among the big tree collection. I tried to remove them from that group to make more jars of shiny brites.

I am on my third day of teaching in the art room. One more day to go and I will be a librarian.  I am in panic mode right now. We will rush down to shop for our Mainer kids after school and maybe for the sister in law too.  They are the only two sets of people that we have to ship out.  I figure if I don't waste time and I do the best that I can do that I will see the finish line.   Thanks for stopping by today. 


  1. Good luck with your last minute shopping. Love your jar of shiny brites. The tree looks lovely. :)

  2. I love the figures and oh, the ornaments are gorgeous. Best wishes with the shopping.

  3. I haven't looked in on you lately. Love the animals. My daughter has real goats and chickens in a big city. My daughter Debbie is doing my shopping. I give her the money about Thanksgiving. I have about 60 to buy for.

  4. Funny with the camel! Love the ornaments in the jar. New idea I must try.
