Sunday, December 15, 2013

Late Day Posting.......

The tree is up and it looks lonely sitting in the bay window.  The tree hasn't had its branches fluffed and the tree hasn't been shaped in this photo.  Each branch has to be opened to look like a branch and when you are in a hurry I have to rearrange the parts of each branch to get that evergreen look.  Our tree was purchased so  many years ago from a set of display trees that had been put back in the box.  It looks really good when I groom it into shape.  The branches all had a bath a couple of years ago in the bath tub as the years of dust collect among the needles. 

The lights were put on the tree Saturday and it is ready for ornaments.  The angel tree has been set up also with lights and it too is awaiting the placement of ornaments on its branches.  Both trees are still taking second place to all the things we are doing in the gallery frame shop.  That is the frame shop that we said was closed two years ago in October.  People keep coming for special favors to have things framed.

I have framed many wedding memories of the grandchildren of this couple who live nearby.  It makes sense that I do it again for them as they want them to look similar on their wall and the size has to be the same.   They have one more grandchild to get married and then they will be done.  I do think that some of the ones I framed for them were horizontal but the photos that are brought to me determine the direction of the frame. The ribbon with name plate was hand constructed and is uneven.  I had to design a slot for it and encouraged it to have a look of being handcrafted.  Orange with silver was the color theme of the wedding.  I am waiting for the frame to arrive and I can get this together in an hour ready for delivery.

The walnut frame job is still hanging around for me to finish.  I am custom designing the frame as I don't want it to look like his grandpa had made it.  The grandpa is an elderly highly skilled woodworker with many power tools.  I decided to create a frame to highlight the burl wood pattern on the front.  On the back, instead of routing a grove, I have added red oak strips to make an area to insert the glass, matted piece and foamcore backing.  When it is done the frame will project from the wall about a half inch or less and will be seen while handling it.  Is more of a rustic, simple woodworking look.  Maybe it is somewhat like an Amish design but could lean on the simple modern approach.  When it is finally completed you will hear shouts of joy all over the US and Canada and I will share the end product. I plan to put a finish on it tomorrow after school.

I am late posting this today so I will shut down for now. The big tree is now totally done and that is a relief.  It will be easier to do all the other small ones and those trees have been brought up from the basement ready for me to set them up for decoration.  Thanks for stopping by today. 


  1. You two have been busy this weekend. I remember how those "tree limbs" scratched up my hands while shaping them!
    The wedding collage is very pretty. I am anxious to see your finished frame project too. I will listen for the shouts of joy when it is complete!!!

  2. That is very nice of you to get all the wedding collages the same for the couple.

    Can't wait to see the tree decorated. I never thought about giving our tree a bath. Maybe some year when we have to replace the lights. Mine isn't prelit by the manufacturer but by me. We keep it under sheets in a spare room with just the lights and redecorate it every year. We wrapped gifts today. Getting closer to Christmas!

  3. Shouts of joy..I din't hear them yet. I hope you get all your projects done soon:)
