Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Merry Christmas.....

There were no toys under the tree this year as our kids are all grown up and live away from home. The memories are still there each Christmas as the guys loved to open all the presents and try out the new things.  I remember the toys of my own that I received from under the tree.  The toy barn set or the toy train along with the erector set was those that I remember.  My oldest brother lived in Kansas City and bought me a large set of tinker toys that I played with all of the time for years. There were a lot of lean years and the used skates and pellet gun of my counsins were still good gifts. The basketball and a road building set was also fun.

Toys were great but the learning about giving to others became more fun for me. The special gits, the thoughtful gifts and even the zany gifts made the holiday memories fun. I stopped at a house of a customer a few days back and the tree  at his house was filled with so many presents under the tree. His two daughters were probably in a panic to get them all opened today.

As the traditions change in our house we still do some things together as empty nesters to make the season fun.  The village grew by a couple of pieces this year as our oldest son found a couple of buildings at a Chicago garage sale. A barn and a candy store were added to my wife's collection.  We were too tired to put them up and had decided not to do it.

In a moment of a pause in our life on Sunday I said that I would force the issue and I brought up the now 14 boxes of buildings and two extra boxes of people novelties to set up the village.  The hardest part was trying to find the snow.  Ir was in a box at the bottom of shelves in the dark corner of the basement.  It all went together quickly and I inserted the lights the next day.

We had breakfast out this morning and are having a quiet day.  Mince meat pie is in the house and other good snacks so we are settled in for the day.  It has been a good day.  I hope you all had a good day too.  Merry Christmas and thanks.........for stopping by.


  1. Yes, we had a good day ourselves. Thanks for visiting so regularly.

  2. Merry Christmas Larry! the old toys are the best! I remember ice skates and games the most:)

  3. Hello Larry, Merry Christmas to you and thanks for visiting. I've not been very active on the blog this year because of parental illness (mine and my husband's).
    Your little village looks so festive - I imaging you're glad now you made the effort.
    I hope you and your wife continue to enjoy the Christmas season.

  4. Belated Merry Christmas greetings, Larry. Grenville/Pat would have enjoyed that train set and village setup as ours are packed away. It can be fun to celebrate quietly and remember special moments and good for you for taking the time to set up the village again!
