Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Snow? Cold, yes...............

We missed getting any snow, which is good. I am not complaining.  It is just that the weather people wasted their breath saying that we were going to get snow for the past five days. Snow fronts went north and south and the snowman cookie jar is all I have left of snow.  I am going to work at getting someone to make cookies for this guy this winter.

The gazing ball is now safe and warm in the basement.  As I went out to put a step ladder into the basement I noticed that I was done winterizing my outside yard.  I had not pulled the tomato cages or dead tomatoes.  I had small garden figures to bring in and I brought in a plastic storage cupboard that has been outside storing things for a couple of years.  I brought it inside the basement to give me more storage for power tools.  Organization is coming back as one of my goals.

It would be nice to see some snow on this birch tree but I don't want as much as they are getting in Minnesota.  They report that Duluth is getting buried by snow and another foot is on the way.

My welcome dog on the front porch appears to be in good shape here in this picture.  In reality, I need to bring him inside and put a new paint job on him.  The neighbor lady who gave him to us said I should repaint him in the colors of Barney. Barney is not a lab but border collies are part lab in their breeding.   We will see what happens, but that will be an after Christmas job.

I am an English teacher today in the middle school.  The person who is sick has the same thing my wife and I had a couple of weeks ago.  It lasted forever and even though she is young, she is really ill with the sinus infection and cough. I have been in this room off and on throughout the year so I have a good handle on the routine in the room.

I hope all are well out there.  I know some of the bloggers out there are getting hammered with lots of snow.  Others are colder than normal.  They keep promising now that we will be colder than normal as the arctic air starts to blow in to Iowa.  Thanks for checking in today and have a good day.


  1. It is snowing heavily here now. Perhaps you will get some snow later. Sounds like Duluth got 26 inches..uffda.

    Every place I look I see a project..looks like you are doing the same thing:)

  2. I love the photo of your gazing ball.
    Connie (Far Side) made me hungry for cookies with her post the other day. Yes, you need to work on getting that snowman cookie jar filled up!
    Karen in KC is expecting 6 degree temp on Fri.
    We are mild with heavy fog this week.

  3. Beautiful Christmas decorations and wonderful photos, greetings
