Sunday, December 1, 2013

Sunday's Here........

I did get some replanting done a few weeks back.  I don't exactly remember when but it was on one of my days off of work.  I had bought the schefflera for a couple of bucks a few years ago and I just now have repotted it so it can spread out. It was a small thing and it was needing to be put into a larger pot. I had an older schefflera plant for years.  It was a major plant that I had to cut back many times.  One summer I did something wrong with too much water or more likely not enough water for a long period of time.  It is nice to get this one going and having one again.

The other plant that is in the brown pot was another one of my one dollar buys.  It was planted in a larger pot and it kept putting out new plants. I have shared parts of it with a friend and I now split off a section of it and put it in this brown pottery.  Sansevieria is the family name of the plant and it is a cousin of the mother in law's tongue. I like the plant as it can give you good green foliage and if I don't water it enough it just keeps thriving. Sometimes I call it a succulent and I did see on the net it is in that family.

Another shot for the day of the red bird.  I need to go out today and give the birds some fresh seed.  It is warmer today and we will see big drops in temperature by the middle of next week. Thanks for stopping in today.


  1. Pretty cool to see that cardinal every day. Have a good week!

  2. Beautiful photos ! I like cardinal he is so colored and so handsome.
    I wish you all the best :)

  3. Nice shots of Mr. and Mrs. Cardinal!
