Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Wednesday's Wanderings........

Two of my wreaths were hung last night.  I did bring up one of the trees but it is still in the box. I worked on my sanding of the walnut frame.  It is about ready to be assembled and finished with a clear sealer. My attitude of moving through the projects is to make a mark on their progress every single day even if it is a minimal amount. 

Snow is really not the problem for us as much as the cold is very difficult to deal with on such a continual time period.  Our temperatures are cold right now and it is to be colder by this afternoon.  We had a light snow again last night but it wasn't really that measurable. I am grateful that the wind has not picked up too much as it makes it very uncomfortable no matter how many layers of clothes that you are wearing.

I am really getting anxious to get started on the Christmas trees.  I have an early out today so I might see more time to get started on them.  The ornaments are still in the basement in the boxes ready for me to bring them out into the light. I again am subbing in the Talented and Gifted room today.  It is like a resource room for the more successful student to get work completed.  In the old days we called them honor study halls because we behaved well and worked hard.  This group is sort of like this but it is more like they just don't want to be stuck in study hall.

There is a project going on where they created a robot from erector set-like materials.  That is going slow as they need stronger leadership and direction.  I am going to insist that they draw out some sketches and to check out their requirements. I don't think they know what really is the problem that they have to deal with.Before Christmas break the students also tend to go into a sluggish gear.

Thanks for stopping by today.  I hope all is well where you are.


  1. Love that bench in the snow. I remember from my long ago teaching years how really difficult the weeks before Christmas were... you have my sympathy....

  2. I love the snow, Larry...and those ornaments bring back some wonderful childhood memories for me. It is due to get very cold here in Montreal and it seems to be starting today...and windy, too.

    Thank you so much for sharing your lovely photos, your photography is excellent and very much appreciated.

  3. Such a beautiful Christmas wreath
