Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Big Job Done.........

We had displayed art at the library for a few months and due to new carpet being installed they asked us to come remove it.  The paintings have leaned against the wall for quite a while so yesterday I started the task of rehanging and rearranging.

Mission accomplished even though it took a half day of adjusting and placing the works back onto the wall.  We need to repaint the wall as we hang things on small brad nails and as things get moved we just put in new nail holes.  It is the only way to do it with so many different sizes.

Most all of the work that you are seeing was done by my wife.  If you see a stray barn on the wall you know it is mine.  I haven't painted now for almost 3 years as my working at school takes most of my time.

It is fortunate that a lot of Della's work is sold on line so we don't have to frame it.  It gets sent in a flat form with mats on them ready for the buyer to have framed.  We have never had a single complaint about damage so we are successful send things through the mail all these years.  The pastels are always the most difficult to send as the medium gets sprayed with a fixative, lightly, to hold the work to the paper but not too much fixative or it changes the colors and turns dark. It has to be sandwiched in a way to keep things from touching the pastel surface.

I will post a few iris to get everyone anxious for spring.  This is an acrylic painting.

This is an amazing painting that my wife did.  The colors create a really rich mood with all the deep colors of purple contrasting to the greens in the background.

A final finish with some color.  The weather continues to be typical but it is going on for a long time.  I am in the high school today doing the Social Studies class again. I was in here on Friday. I think illness is hanging on for a long time whatever form of flu that it is.  Teachers come back too soon and have to return.  The person who calls me from the office to notify me of the job for the day has been home three days.  Her variety of illness is severe coughing and temperatures.  The other variety is the stomach variety.  The news keeps saying we haven't been hit very hard in Iowa but they really don't know except by doctors reports.  There are a lot of people sick in this school but they don't go to the doctor. 

Tomorrow we go down into the deepest freezer to enjoy the -6 degree F. I hope the rest of you are keeping safe and warm. I appreciate you coming by today.


  1. That is a stunning Iris painting! Stay warm..I hear this is three blasts in one charge. The temperature is brutal today with wind chills about -35. :(

  2. You and your wife are very talented. I love the cats and the iris is so pretty. Mother loved purple and Karen's late son loved iris, so this is especially a great painting to me.
    I hope your flu shot keeps you safe from the sickness all around. We stayed in today due to the unusual (for us) cold.
