Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy 2014...........

I was awake for the change of the year in New York but I then just went to sleep.  I know from experience that nothing too much changes by switching to the new year and I don't have to be up for the midnight time change in Iowa's time zone.

It will be a quiet day for us as empty nesters.  Our plans are to just stay home as it is snowing and it is very cold. We are having a gentle snow right now and maybe later I will venture out with the camera. I have one feeder to fill up for the birds and the other two can be maintained.

It is a tradition now for me to share each winter my penguin woman all dressed up.  She has herself ready to go shopping.  My sister in law gave it to me a few years back and it is humorous to see. I think she has her purse and umbrella with her and she also has ear muffs over her ears.

Sharing a shot of a set of ornaments that I bought back in the 70's when I wasn't collection ornaments.  I bet I bought them because they were cheap.  Now that I study the history of the ornaments I realize now that they are all duplicates of the early ornaments that were made in Germany.

The church shape is also one of the designs that were done back in the early 1900's.  This particular set was over glittered but it is a classic version of the oldies.  I have white ones and also some pink ones.  Why they made some of them pink I really don't know the answer. I am watching a set of ornaments at Walmart right now waiting for them to be dropped to %75 percent off.  I don't need them but if I can get them for nothing I will pick them up.  I think there are a dozen or more in the set and it is the only item that they sold this year of true glass blown ones, not plastic ones.

The story is in the making for the smallest glass blown ornament seen on the left of the line. I was gifted with a box of these but I will share that in the near future.

We are not watching the Rose Bowl Parade but we do have it on.  I am still fascinated with the structures that they create in the making of the floats.  I don't like the commercialism of the advertisements that each float offers.  I do like all the horses and donkeys  pulling wagons.  The authentic costumes are great and the history of some of the units are interesting.  I do think they talk it to pieces, each individual float.  The bands from all over the U.S. and other countries are neat to see.

Well a new year of blogging and work and play is to start.  We have had a year of ups and downs.  Unexpected good things and bad things just seem to come along in life.  Our new grandson being born in February and it places us into a new category as grandparents.  I am sort of getting use to being called a grandpa but I really do like being a grandpa. You will see more photos of the grandson as the new year passes by us.

We went to see the second Hobbit movie.  It was fantastic but it was the middle movie.  This I should have known, that we would be left hanging in the middle of the story but it was an abrupt stopping of the story.  I should have known.  We have to wait a whole year for the final conclusion of the movie.

I will wind down now and wish everyone out there the best for the new year.  We will snack and eat a good meal in the evening and the whole day is a casual new year.s day.  Everyone out there enjoy your new year's day and blessing to you all. Thanks for stopping today.


  1. I enjoy your ornament posts. Lovely collection. Snowing here today. Camped out inside dreaming of the new year.

  2. Sounds like a nice peaceful day, just like ours.

  3. Happy New Year to you and Della! I didn't see any real glass blown ornaments at our Walmart Lucky you!
    It will be fun to watch your AJ grow! :)

  4. A very Happy New Year to you, Larry! I love seeing all the ornaments. And what a cutie the young fella is!
