Friday, January 3, 2014

How Does Your Garden Grow????????

This plant begs me to let it bloom so I water it.  The clusters are a little smaller but the color is still there. The other hardy geraniums are still getting use to their new indoor setting with the birds in their room.  I actually lost one of them but there are plenty to take its place.  No buds on any of them.

The violets were moved back into the store room with the birds.  I upgraded my plant light from nonworking to now working again.  Foliages have improved on all of them but this one just went crazy.  I am back up to a dozen plants again but there are only two of them blooming.  I am marking the calender to see how long it takes for the light to have made any new buds. 

I haven't been good this year about keeping up the doorway still life.  I found a cheap red fake poinsettia that works good out in the crockery milk pot.  Hopefully I take them down in spring and get the sunflowers in there for the summer. 

The squirrel who just couldn't sit still. He was on the end of the post for a long time and I went to get my camera and flash he was gone.

I have a few apples left in the house in the kitchen that didn't make it into the freezer or pie.  I thought I should just toss them and then I saw one of our squirrels out in the apple tree.  In fact I have seen them out there a lot. We have two or more squirrels out and about most of the time.

 I know they travel from the tree to the garden shed and then to the river birch,  to another apple tree,  to the backyard fence,  to the ash tree, to the mock orange bush to the fence again, and then the silver maple tree. There they sit waiting to see if it is safe to work on the bird feeder.

But back to the apple tree, I know they have been picking them and eating them most of the summer.    As a test I threw one on the ground by the feeder and it was then taken.  Yesterday I put two apples on the bottom shelf and I saw him take the last one in the afternoon.  I am glad they can eat them. There are a dozen left for them to enjoy.

Speaking of pie, my wife pulled off a great peach pie from the peaches in the freezer.  We have more peaches and more apples waiting to be made into pie but we need to space them a little bit.   We are going on errands today.  We will start slow and hit Perry for meds and flu shots.  If after that we feel we can handle being out in the cold we will stop home for a sandwich and head to the bookstore.  I need stuff at the Hobby Lobby but I know how cold that parking lot is so we may wait for that trip. It is on a hill and winds blow across it just like it is in open prairie.

Thanks for stopping by today.  Everyone I know out there have cold, snow or ice to deal with today.  Stay as warm as possible and stay safe. 


  1. Your flowers are beautiful :)

  2. That is the best looking pie EVER! I love your header photo too. I'm always envious of your indoor plants blooming! These are such pretty photos. You two take care and enjoy the weekend.

  3. Yum, yum on the pie! My squirrels do that too. Always amazed when I get a photo.

  4. The pie looks delicious! Your African Violets look so pretty and I can almost smell that Geranium:)
