Monday, January 20, 2014

Monday Again.............

Well,  I had to move in an older vhs player to sit next to the dvd-vhs player.  The vhs part of the player went bad. The few times we tried to use it the tapes were chewed and jammed in the player.  I am happy to move on to the dvd era but we do have some classic movies on vhs that we could pop in if we are desperate to watch something..  The Titanic movie we own is on vhs as well as some of the Star Wars.  I won't list them all but we do have a shelf full of movies we could go back to if we could play them.

When we first got the VCR it took me at least 6 months to get it hooked up correctly to tape from the television.  Once we learned that it took time to figure out how to tape shows while we were gone.  Other advances included taping some shows while we watched them stopping and starting to eliminate the commercials.  Since times have changes so much I decided to clean out some of the vhs's and send them to the basement.  The pile has set there for a day and now I have come to my senses.  Every garden show that I ever watched the past 14 years is going to the landfill.  I won't take them downstairs to prolong the decision to later throw them away for good.  It was good to watch them over again during the winter but I have watched them too many times now.

The birds still haven't forgiven me much  for letting their feeder go bare for a couple of days.  The woodpeckers always had suet so they didn't dislike me but the regular birds have hardly shown up to feed.  They must have a much better feeder down the stret that just won't quit its supply of seed.  Tonight's weather may bring them back as we start to get snow and cold winds this afternoon.

Don't you wonder if the little girl is buying what the guy has for sale or if they are just greeting each other. The winter figures and houses don't get taken down until we tire of them.  It is nice to have them out longer than just Christmas time.

I find it interesting that I can see new things with the different pieces as the sit out for display.  I had never noticed before this year that the lady is holding her dog as she travels in the sleigh to deliver a present.

I am not looking forward to the next wave of cold weather as the votex deiced to take another deep slide down into the United States.  We were 55 on Sunday and I think our low tonight will be 6 degrees F. We have always had weather like this as a kid but I think the older we get the more frustrating it is to not have consistent steady weather. 

I am in the middle school today teaching 6th and 7th graders social studies..  The flu bug is selectively hitting and missing throuth out the building.  The person who calls me to assign me work, was home sick with the flu.  She was also upset because her daughter had a baby girl this morning and she knows she can't go near the hospital for a few days.  Her first pictures of her granddaughter will all be by cell phone.

I missed blogging yesterday. I know some would know that and others are ok with that.  Again the world didn't stand still.  My timing for things depend on photos not taken and the time of day that it is.  After six in the evening I decided it was too late to put up the blog.  I am glad than I am back and I thank you for stopping by today. 


  1. I am glad you are back ,we would miss you if we were like the birds and didn't get a post for 3 days. LOL

  2. I do notice when you miss a day blogging. You have certainly taken some pretty bird photos, especially the Cardinal.
    Many years ago, John had his own tv repair shop and he is always working on speakers, etc. here. He loves to look through old record albums at thrift stores too. He and brother Larry like all the same music/bands etc. They are slightly different from the music I grew up liking! LOL
    It is fun to study the village houses/figurines. A lot of detail/thought goes into them. I especially like toy shops and bakery buildings in the ceramic houses.
    You two stay warm tonight and I certainly hope you will be safe from the flu bug.

  3. p.s. you talking about your birds going elsewhere to feed reminds me of my brother Larry. Mother said that when Larry was young, he would call around to grandma, neighbors etc. to see what was for dinner and then make his decision where to eat!!!!!

  4. We got the vortex last night and yesterday the wind was horrid. Sorry but I think we are sending it your way. Stay clear of that Flu Bug, I have heard it is really bad if it catches you. I hope our flu shots are working like they are supposed to. Stay warm:)
