Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Wednesday's Wanderings........

Our day seems to be a little bit more like normal.  It isn't as the extremes make us feel like we are a lot warmer.  We had a 20 degree difference yesterday compared to where we were so 14 degrees F. seems like a heat wave. Our temperatures are hanging at 6 degrees F. and we have no wind blowing.  I guess by Friday that we may be up to almost normal of just below freezing.  The heat from the west is moving our way.

I will venture out this morning and get the mail from up town and see if the car will start.  The car has never ever given me trouble in cold weather.  When the fuel pump went out last winter,  that was a different situation. I didn't get called in for work again today.  My two week vacation is turning into a three week vacation. 

It is getting close to the time we start taking down our decorations.  I like doing it a few things at a time as I don't like giving up a whole day to do it.  I usually bring up most of the boxes and leave them in the dining room and then work on it a few days in a row.  It makes the dining room very congested but as I fill a box or two I take them back to the basement.  The small trees go into plastic sacks this year and will go into the spare room upstairs. 

I finished off framing a photo yesterday, yet to get the paper backing on it.  That will happen after I finish this blog.  I see on of  my downey woodpeckers is at the feeder. My goal is to get a shot of one of them showing the red top notch in the picture. I can't seem to get them when they are not digging deep in the suet. The sparrows are out cleaning up the leftovers this morning and I will venture out and supply some new stuff soon.  I am going to put out seed a little at a time.  I don't have the squirrels cleaning me out each day if I put a large amount all at once.

Thanks for stopping by today.  I appreciate your checking out my site each day.


  1. It's a real treat to see photos of your ornaments. Your wife's angels are so sweet. We are slowly warming back up here in GA. It is nice to be able to shed some layers of clothes. Harriet is not even wearing her sweater today. Wishing you both and the dogs a good afternoon.

  2. Are your ornaments like Far Side of Fifty's, that she calls Shing Brites?

  3. Shiny brites are actually a brand name of a glass blown ornament. It is a perfect round ball. I have a dozen or so of them but my other glass blown ones are replicas of old ones created similar to the antique ones. The originals were in shapes of acorns, churches, even mushrooms. Germany was one of the first countries to make them in late 1800's.

  4. I still have my Shiny Brite tree up, maybe Friday. I am like you I get out all the boxes and start packing away a little at a time. No company is coming that I know of so I can take a few days. Three weeks of vacation you must feel almost like a new man! Supposed to get warmer here tomorrow..keeping my fingers crossed:)
