Friday, February 28, 2014

Friday's Findings.......

I call it Friday's Findings because I am struggling by the end of the week to have new photos to share. I have a few more photos of AJ so I will be post another.  I just now noticed the truck on his shirt and the Cars character at his feet.  His dad was crazy about vehicles so I am sure that he will have a few toys like that around.

One of my sets of blogging friends said they had been on the bald eagle site and they too saw a person going by down below. I have the capture program on my computer called Grab.  When I get it opened fast enough and can hit select fast enough I can grab a section on a live shot to get a still photo.  I have been practicing and I caught one yesterday.  I think the person is cross country skiing.  I don't know if he is headed to work at the Fisheries building which is right next door or if he is on one trail that heads off onto a wooded trail nearby. He is the little guy just above the head of the eagle.  They now have two eggs, a second one was lain on Wednesday at 5:30 in the afternoon.

The internet is a good thing and it is a bad thing at times. I was searching for material about a small village, Hopeville, that I lived near when I was first born. I slipped onto the Murray, Iowa search just to see if there was any related material that might help me to get info on the that village south of Murray. 

Somehow I got a reference to go visit ebay about Murray.  I was curious and I found real postcards and some fraudulently made postcards.  The school house that I attended with its glass block windows was never made into a postcard. They were not making postcards anymore when I attend that school. Anyway, I found a picture of the Baptist church that sits south of where my Grandmother Brooks in Murray.  I also saw a photo of another church that I wanted to Grab its photo.  I couldn't believe the postcard was sold during the hour when I returned later to capture it.  It is gone!  The reason I wanted it was that the building had a different entrance in its early years. I wanted to compare it to a modern photo. I wanted to ask the historic site about that photo.  Well ebay can be disappointing anyway as there is no certainty when you deal with it. I guess I should of hit the buy it now and I would not have lost it.

The church photo above does not look like this today.  It is the church that my grandmother attended in her later years and I attended her funeral in this church.  The windows are the same but the steeple has been reworked, maybe even replaced.  I like the original decoration that they had on it. There is now a large addition added on the side for a sanctuary and Sunday school rooms.

My neighbor gave me a coffee maker that she thought was too large for her.  She moved on to instant coffee and didn't want it on her counter.  I moved my new coffee maker to the side for a while and tried it out for a couple of days. I had seen that maker when I bought mine but it was out of my price range. The maker is large, it has a plastic reserve area and the timer is wonderful.  The thing I don't like about it was it was like lifting two large things out to clean it.  The basket was big, the water tank was big.  It is hard to clean and you dispense one cup at a time.  That seems fun but a thermos does not fit under it to get to the coffee.  If we were ever having a large group of people to the house I will dig it out and use.  Otherwise it will be placed in a plastic bag and sit on a shelf in the basement.
I really like how hot the coffee stays in the new maker and that the coffee is stored in glass and not in plastic.

We did our taxes last night, mad, angry, disappointed, and I am glad to have them done. We did break even this year.  I guess the lower middle class should know it's place even though the politicians claim they are one of us. They really have decided where our medium income should be and they will tax it down to that point thus making the middle class unable to just get ahead without penalty. I won't even start on this health care debacle as that too will suck the money from you to keep you at a certain income level.  As of January of next tax year, the big government will hammer down on you and yours if you fellow comrades don't adhere to the joke during the past year.

I am back in the classroom again today.  I hope that I don't have Saturday school but will do it if they decide to have it.  There is a Jazz Band contest going on in the building this afternoon and all day Saturday.  We use to attend those when our kids were in school.  We will warm up to 35 degrees or around that depending where one lives in the state.  It would be nice to see some melting take place before our 4:00 snowstorm hits today.  Thanks for stopping by today.  Take care.


  1. Our taxes are at the accountants...I hope to come out even! It will be good to get the phone call that they are done.
    The rich get richer and well us poor people just keep struggling along.
    So you are getting a storm later today..stay warm!
    Your AJ sure is cute, it has been good to watch him grow this past year...I think he will be tall like my grandboys:)

  2. AJ sure is growing. Yes, like Connie, I think AJ will be tall.

    We have an appt. in March with our accountant. Not something I look forward to.

    Stay safe and warm this weekend.
