Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Lost is Found......

I didn't know it was lost.  I had worked on the gate so it would open and close smoothly.  I was taking a shot through the slots and once the picture was taken I noticed an extra thing in the picture.  It does look like a great place to hang a hammer.  I have so many from my dad and brother that I don't usually miss any hammer when it gets misplaced.  This is one of my better hammers and I am glad that I found it.

If I were to frame this photo and place it in an art gallery I would named it 'Tennis Ball'.   Can you find the reason why?

The wooden pump created from barn boards is a creation of my own imagination.  I pump water through a hose into it so the water can come out of the spout to help in the filtering of the water in the fish pond.

More snow to come as school is being let out early.  A storm is approaching Iowa from Missouri.  We  had an inch or more of snow this morning that fell in the night.  So more is coming and then the wind will start to blow.  I think it will be a 12 hour siege before we will be able to leave our houses.
I am at school today being a sixth grade English teacher.  All sixth graders either as Literature students or English usage classes.  I will see them twice for each of the kinds of classes.  It gets to be a long day doing the same age group continually. But school is to be let out early today at 1:30 duty to the impending doom.  It is better to get the kids home before a storm rather during a storm.  I hope all are ok out there and thanks for stopping in today.


  1. I just spoke by phone with Karen and she has the heavy snow today.
    I love these two shots. John lost a pair of "extra" eyeglasses somewhere in our backyard....maybe they will show up like your hammer!
    Stay safe in this winter storm.

  2. Glad you found the hammer. Funny how we can leave things somewhere and "find" them later.

  3. I like your little birdhouse and the lurking tennis ball!

  4. I spied the tennis ball too! Hope you weathered the storm ok, they sure are whining about it on the east coast..poor people are going to freeze to death...and they are running out of salt:)

  5. I found a pair of reading glasses I lost a year ago when I trimmed a shrub. They were in the branches from the last time I trimmed. LOL
