Tuesday, February 18, 2014


The Japanese yew puts out a great display of snow when it gets dumped on like we did yesterday.  Some people clip these into round ball shapes but I like them natural.

We had the new fresh coating that actually made it look better out there.  Now the animals can put in new prints in the snow.

My bridge to the pond is almost covered with snow.  The tops of the posts sort of show how much snow we had.  The bridge itself shows the true measure of the amount of snow that we received.

I am not back into the classroom today but I am back into the gym today.  I am doing high school physical education.  They had free basketball today, no exercises before as the day is a shortened day.  I am tired anyway and hope to get home early today.  We need to pick up meds in a neighboring town and groceries for the neighbor.  She has a long list for us. In spite of the threat of another snowstorm on Thursday we are enjoying today's warm weather.

I see our yesterday's weather has hit the east coast now and it is big news now.  We didn't get recognized for all of our snow yesterday but Illinois seemed to get a bad storm.  I guess the storm didn't start to fall until it got to the Illinois border.  Well, anyway, I hope all of your are doing ok out there.  I know some are not having normal weather right now but I hope it doesn't last for very long.

Thanks for stopping by today. 


  1. The snow is very pretty. Hope you will have a safe trip out to get the meds/groceries for the neighbor. Hope you two get home early enough to enjoy some rest/relaxation.

  2. We are free of the storm today..I think? It is nice and warm up here about 20 degrees...balmy:)
