Sunday, March 2, 2014


Waiting at the base of the feeder hoping seeds will fall from above.  The starlings are hogging the feeder and they did finally leave.

She was very patient in her wait.  The table above was protecting her from the continual snowfall that we had most all day.

Another seed hog was out at the feeder at noon and I had to chase him and his friend out of the back yard.  The snowfall was making the birds hit the feeder most of the day. 

Here are the starlings that set up shop on the second floor.  The male cardinal final rushed the feeder and they all scattered.

Our nice snowfall smoothed out all the bumps and tracks in the yard. It was -8 degrees F. this morning.   I see that maybe by Thursday of this new week we will hit 40 degrees F.  That would make me very happy.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. We got up in the 50's now we are going down in deep freeze tonight and Monday.

  2. I will be happy if it gets above 32 degrees..and I hope it is soon. Bitterly cold today. Stay warm:

  3. Pretty photos but I know you are so tired of the cold/snow.
    Our high today reached 77. I have talked with Karen today and her weather is much like yours. They had sleet overnight.

  4. Can't believe it snowed AGAIN! We actually got about 3 inches. I only hope it does not get too warm too fast, as we have a history of flooding here in the spring. But I still can't wait for warmer weather
