Monday, April 21, 2014

Monday Morning............

This will make me feel guilty enough now so that tonight I will move the bricks. There are probably ditch lilies under them trying to come up through the ground. I am shutting down the pond by filling it in with any extra dirt that I have.  I may work harder at  by getting a wheel barrow and moving some dirt piles into it.  The bricks line the edge of the pond and I plan to turn the pond into a bog garden instead. I think I will keep the edging around the area in tact. Mostly dirt but keep it like a swamp so cattails and maybe some cannas.  It will still look good with the bridge going over the bog instead of a swampy green pond.

I really don't think this lilac has matured enough to bloom but I sure wished it would.  It is the red-violet one that I dug a start of it down in Osceola my parents neighbors place.  I have had it about four years now so I would think it will take off.  I do see that a rabbit had a bite off of it this winter with a very clean cut of one of its branches.

The globe alum is up and I am looking forward to seeing them bloom.  I see that the plant has seeded itself out into the middle of the yard.  I may try to  transplant those starts to another flower bed rather than mow them down.

I saw a show where they said the older people really do get their brain cluttered with a life time of things.  I don't know what this plant is.  It will come to me just like I keep digging out former students names that I have seen today.  It is a day or two later but I do figure out their names even if they graduated 12 years ago.  I would think I would know what had been planted here but I will wait.  My mind will figure it out.  If it is a weed I will be sad but it reminds me of a phlox.

I will finish off with a little color.  In my Photo a Day blog I tell how I will be taking these guys back out side in the near future.  I am ready to get them outside and the birds are ready to be set back in front of the window.

I am in a special education room today for high school students.  It will be a busy day but I usually enjoy working in here. We have a morning rainstorm on its way and I can watch it rain from the wall of windows in the room.  I hope everyone had a good weekend and thanks for stopping by today.


  1. I know you are glad to see so much green growth in the yard.
    A bog will be something different,
    for you to show us. That will be fun, guess it will have little creatures in it too?

  2. looks like a Phlox to me too...wait and see! Things are coming up all over in your yard! You might get a bloom out of that lilac, that bud bundle (My word...not technically correct) looks pretty big:)
