Saturday, May 10, 2014


Strange but wonderfully made, this variety has always fascinated me.  I always write each year about how strange it was that I bought these. The violets make for a great backdrop to the tulips.

The river birch puts out a great pattern of new green leaves.  It gets so full of leaves that the sky can not been seen through them. 

Between the wind blowing and the batteries trying to shut my camera down I almost didn't get a photo at all. It does seem to be a lot fuzzy but it shows that the lilacs are almost in full bloom.  This is the time of the year when everything is putting out the great perfumes of their species.  Unfortunately I am not seeing bees anywhere out there.  I hope that there are some of them somewhere.

This photo shows the example of what the heat has been doing to the tulips and daffodils. I didn't get out to look in the evening but the cool damp air may have brought them back up again.

I am judging a high school art show today so I blogged this earlier.  It will be an 8 hour session of judging and I am sure that I will be tired by the end of the day.   Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Those tulips are stunning, but I can't believe you have lilacs in bloom. Ours will be a long time yet.

  2. I would love to view all your nice flowers in person. You two have a lovely yard.
