Monday, May 12, 2014


The robin doesn't leave her nest now as if she might have hatched birds under her.  She would leave normally when I am around but yesterday she sat still and quiet. It was such a bright day that I couldn't pull off a good shot with the nest in the shade of the porch roof of the garden shed.

Two of my three apple trees have many blooms on them. The tree that I picked so many apples from the last two years has spotty places with blooms. I don't understand the scarce batch of blooms but there are enough that I can get a few apple pies from its branches.  This tree has red apples and it was the first to bloom. The one next to it bloomed later.  

We had a strong windstorm last night that could have developed into a tornado.  The line of winds went through most of the state around 10:30 last and we did have things ready to go for retreating to the basement. Some places near us had severe damage and  power lines were down.  We had a bad part of the storm go south of us and also to the northwest of us. 

The lightning did not stop most of the night. I got up once with Button in the night and this huge flash of lightning hit outside of town and the thunder for that lasted over 30 seconds.  Button was willing to go out as I think he has lost most of his hearing now.  We are sad about that but it has made us be able to sleep through storms with him not getting us up to pace the floor with him. Barney sleeps downstairs and he can be found in the windowless bathroom.  If he could learn to shut the door, he probably would.

The dandelion is really a great flowering plant.  I don't have a lot of them but I always like to catch a shot of at least one each spring.

I am the high school librarian today.  It is one of the  last two days for our seniors. They come in on Wednesday to check out and then come in on Friday to practice their graduation walking down the aisle.  I did have the senior in 6th grade art my last year that I taught here on staff.  I am hoping that this is my last year of subbing and I can re retire. Many circumstances will determine that but I won't be working as a janitor this summer.  I will work at my own pace on the house this summer and get things done that needed to be done 7 years ago.  It is a lot of catching up that I  need to do both inside and outside.

One last photo to share of the apple blossoms. I am having a hard time getting a focused shot. The winds have been continuous the last three days. The best I can do is give an impression of what they look like this year.  Thanks for stopping by my post today.


  1. That's quite the place for the robin's nest. So many signs of spring in your garden.

  2. I enjoyed all these photos. So scary about the strong wind/thunder. My adult niece (Larry's daughter) has a border collie who is very afraid of thunder/lightning. She once came home from work and found him in the cabinet under the sink!

  3. Chance would shut the bathroom door too..just like Barney. I am tempted to go to the thrift store and get an old sweatshirt and make him a Thunder Shirt. Poor Button not being able to hear is hard when you are a dog.
    I am certain you will enjoy the summer this year doing your own "stuff" :)
