Wednesday, May 28, 2014

The Middle of the Week...........

I was able to retrieve my wheel barrow from the farm.  It had been down there for two summers and I finally made the right connections to bring it home.  The continued rain and illness has kept me from using it only once.  I had filled it with sticks from the trees that were scattered all over my yard. The water inside of it show the many rains that we have had and we sit around with water puddles because of so much water.

My two weigela shrubs are liking all the moisture.  This is the larger shrub that is covered with flowers.  I was surprised to see it out and captured it a day ago on one of my short walks.  They do have a pleasant smell and the color is great.  I call it my red weigela but in reality I think there is a redder one out there on the market.

The pink one that I have is a lot smaller in size.  I broke a limb off of it last year while mowing and it seems to be doing fine anyway. I should move it about two feet away from the bigger one but that would be too much work. I will probably trim back the bigger one later in the summer.

I posted a brown and yellow iris on my Photo a Day blog.  It is a cemetery iris and so is this one.  It looks tuckered out but the wet foggy morning and the rains keep it from rolling out all the way.  This iris is bluer that the one that I first posted a few days ago.  They are small. I have read that our hybrids were bred from this size of iris stock.  I was surprised to see this one out as they just bloom out overnight.

This iris too has very few blooms on it.  The color of it reminds me of the ones that I brought from my parents' property a few years back.  It isn't as it was given to me by a school coworker.  The ones that I brought from Osceola are in a different area and I haven't been over to check on them.

The last of my indoor hardy geraniums are going outside today.  I will move one out off and on all day until I get them all outside. I didn't lose any inside but outside  the two that were hailed on are going to have to  regrow.  The plants are alive but were beaten up badly.  The pink one that I showed a photo of a week ago is now one stem with another stem broken off and put back into the soil for restarting. 

My wife baked biscuits this morning and I cut up some strawberries this morning.  We bought the berries way over a week ago but my becoming ill put the process to a stop.  I was eating crackers for about three days but I am back onto normal food.  The strawberries were still good and we bought topping yesterday for them.  Our rhubarb too was hard hit with the hail but I have a neighbor who has a large protected area for his that I can get some to make cobbler.  That won't be for a few days. 

I am feeling better.  That isn't a firm rubber stamped confirmation that I will be out there working normal but I can feel the strength coming back more each day.  I am doing small little jobs that I normally would do in all one day but I am chipping away at some of it.  I planted seeds into two window box planters of morning glories.  The dirt was already in them so it was not a big task.  I cleaned up the broken glass from my gazing ball on one side of the garden.  If the yard quits being so soggy I will go out and pick up the other parts from the other side.

The sun was out for an hour or so this morning but we are now back to cloudy again.  I have an urge to find an area to get some zinnia seeds in the ground and plant some sunflowers.  I don't prepare the soil for sunflowers as they grow like thugs want they get started and don't really care for manicured dirt.  I have small tomatoes that could go into pots or in the ground but that soil is not ready and I am not going to be able to ready it.  Maybe next week those kind of things can get done.  Oh yes, I got a hummingbird feeder put up yesterday.  The hardest part was finding everything to make the mix and putting the feeder back together. 

I hope all is well out there as we head into late spring and are busy with all that we do.  I appreciate your stopping by today and wish you well.

1 comment:

  1. Your Iris are beautiful!! It turned hot up here just like that and everything is bursting forth at once. Find time to rest and get better Larry:)
