Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Wandering on Wednesday..........

Tiptoeing through the tulips isn't to hard with them planted a distance from each other. I do have more than yellow tulips but not too many. They look great out there in the orchard.  We will have lots of sun today to warm up the soil. 

I have less garter snakes than I use to but I did get a greeting from this guy above my outside basement door. I tried and failed to capture his forked tongue that he kept threatening me with while I retrieved something from the basement.  Today I will put out the agapanthus plants on the patio taking them out of their winter quarters in the basement. Photos will follow in the next few days of their reintroduction to real sunlight.

These two tulips keep changing color as they mature.  I think they are almost done blooming and probably tomorrows storm will take them down.  I am home today so I will get more outside work done.  I have mowing to finish even though the first mowing is getting tall and I have different garden things to do.  I may do some clipping with shears on some of the invasive shrubs.  My wheel barrow is down on the farm and I need to bring it home as my carrying of yard waste cause me to do a lot of walking.  I am allowed to burn this month so I don't want to miss the deadline on that.

It will be 90 degrees or hotter today but then it will cool down again.  We are cool at night so the heat of the day in the afternoon isn't that bad of a thing.  Farmers are busy getting corn planted during this time.  I have a farmer student friend at school that keeps me up on the planting schedule.  His dad farms 1000 acres, some his land and the rest is rental.  His dad has a very large 48 row corn planter so his work gets done quickly.  He had all his corn in by last week.

An addition to this story includes last week having the county sheriff coming out to find them planting at 2 am.  Someone had called in that an airplane had landed in a field near them in the dark and they looked like they were in trouble. The sheriff was amused but didn't like getting a call about it . He saw the four sectioned planter had lights on the end of it and the tractor had lights pointing both directions. He got out of bed for nothing for what he thought was a real emergency.  I have seen video of this planter and it has double sections behind the tractor and two more wings swing out from the two back wings like a robot to make this very wide planter.  The seed is shot through tubes by air with a computer telling it to do so while the satellites tell the tractor where to go to stay in line.

I am home today. Thanks for stopping by my blog.


  1. Your tulips are pretty. We have seen one snake and one deer so far this spring. We will be moving a few plants to the new yard in the next week. Like you, we are expecting rain in the near future. Have a nice afternoon.

  2. Your tulips are very cheerful to look at.
    That modern day planting is something but 2:00 in the A.M.

    I look every step I take now in fear of the rat snakes that are coming out.

    Glad you got a day off. Enjoy!

  3. Boy, that farm equipment in your parts of the country sounds enormous! Too early for much corn planting to be done here yet, or cold days are hanging around too long.

  4. Ack I don't like snakes. We were out and about yesterday and I wore my red rubber boots...mostly for ticks but just in case for snakes:(

    Your yard is full of blooms! We are overcast today and expecting rain.:)
