Saturday, June 7, 2014

A Very Wet Saturday.......

I was out and about yesterday trimming out all the volunteer trees and weeds in the yard.  I cut a lot of things down and am waiting now for them to dry up a little before I burn them. The mock orange shrub keeps looking better as the buds are all now completely open.

 Tomatoes are a remarkable plant.  If it weren't for the great things we get from then to eat one could call them a weed.  This one plant was in the house growing in a styrofoam cup and it has now double in size in just a week since I put this in the pot.

I planted a dozen of these in the ground and I only lost two of them.  I think the ten in the garden and the couple that I have in pots will be plenty for us to eat. We may not be hot and dry this summer so they may put out a lot of tomatoes.  I had trouble keeping my labels in order but I do believe this is a roma tomato. I keep mixing up my marking system but I do think I finally figured it all out.  I didn't mark the cherry tomato plants.  I put a wooden match in the soil next to the plants that were romas and the red part of the match stuck up.  The steak tomatoes were marked with the stick side up and the match head in the ground. When I am well that seemed like a good system but when I was  a little under the weather I had to keep rethinking what my symbol system meant.

In the late 70's I moved some peonies along the alley seeing if I could get more bang for my buck.  The area developed into a shrubby mess with too many bushes and too many weeds that crowded out the peonies.  With the help of a friend we cleared the entire area and now the peonies get to develop and bloom naturally.  I see the young guy who planted them must have had a stray white root that he mixed in with this pink one.  I had not really noticed it before now as they didn't bloom well. I can mow the area around the peonies now.

I moved the planter with morning glory plants out by the garden shed. As an afterthought I think I will dig out the soil and try to lower the whole thing to make it look better. They have really grown well in the planter and I appreciate borrowing the idea from one of my great blogger friends.  She plants her glories this way to keep her rabbits from getting to them. We have one rabbit that may be interested but it seems to be too busy running up and down the street and finding places to hide.

The sedum really is enjoying all the rain.  I will be trimming this back soon to see if I can thicken up the plant so it won't fall over and lay on the ground.

The peony blooms are few in number per bush but they do have some good blooms.  This is another one of my alley plants and it is the traditional red of the peony colors.  I do have a redder one in the yard to show you tomorrow.

My old angel is back outside now as I walked through the basement and saw her hiding behind stuff.  She is sitting on the base that use to hold my blue glazing ball.  I lost it in the hail storm and I finally picked up all the pieces of it.  I will move her to a more foliage filled area when I find a new blue glazing ball to buy.

It is raining now and looks like the whole day will be a wash.  I went out early to take photos so I won't be returning today.  No outside work today and maybe I will just have a resting day.  It isn't cool outside.  It is just very wet.  It will help make the corn grow and the tomatoes too.

Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Wet here too and we are loving it!
    Have I mentioned I really like your header photo with the wheel barrels? The difference between them is very interesting. Have a good Sunday.

  2. It looks and sounds like you have a lovely garden full of goodies. I am sure your hard work will pay off. The blue glaze ball sounds like a great idea for the angel. I hope you can get a new one soon.

  3. It is delightful to see your yard/flowers. The peonies are spectacular. I love sedums but do not currently have any. We saw a lot of "new" varieties of sedum at the nursery yesterday. Some are like a ground cover.
