Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Everything in a Set of Two.......

This is the first time this iris has bloomed for me.  It too came from my neighbor's collection.  It has two blooms hanging close together which seems a little unusual.  We are expecting bad storms this evening so I will probably cut this and bring it inside.  It has one more bud on the stem yet to open.

Another set of two is this old fashioned iris.  It looks like the one is trying to crowd into like at the drinking fountain.

Another set of two is this hybrid iris.  They are gone now as they closed up and shriveled up overnight.  It is good that I have the photo of them. 

The next set of two that I have is the lineup of my wheel barrows.  The old wooden one is one my dad made for filling of petunias each summer.  It has a good wheel set up on it and I couldn't just throw it away.  The other newer one, even though it isn't that new. is the one I like to use around the yard. I carried many loads of dead rose stems from my wild rose.  It had winter kill that took out probably two thirds of the plants.  I also loaded up sucker trees that I cleared out of the flower beds and fence row.  I have a huge pile already as I made numerous trips from the backyard to the burn pile.

This only a single peony.  I am so glad my peonies have decided to bloom.  I won't have only about a third of what I normally have bloom but at least they are going to bloom.  A lot of the buds dried up which is a strange behavior for our very wet weather.  I am sure winter was hard on them.

I mentioned I worked in the backyard today.  I put in about two hours there and I am really pleased to how good it looks.  I have a lot of water grass that comes up once in spring.  It can get big but once I have pulled it the grass doesn't come back for the season.  It is done.  I have some blank spots in the garden which I need to bring in some plants from other areas.  I may move a few hostas in,  digging and separating an older one.  I think I will move the flag iris and also maybe some regular iris.  We look like we are going to have a very wet spring so it would be good to get them moved.

The national weather is pointing out today that our specific area is going to receive severe weather and a lot of rain.  I saw predictions of 4.5 inches near us and south into Des Moines.  I hope that the wind will be a little calmer and the hail storms don't happen.  Some of my neighbors are claiming insurance  payments for damage on their roof or siding from the last hail storm.  I don't want to relive that again.  I see the local weather says it will start at 8 in the evening and last until 8 the next morning.  We will see how that all works out.

Tired from all the work I did this morning but I am glad I got it done.  More to do all over the property but not doing anything more today.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. The white Iris is breathtaking! Hope the storms are not too bad, I saw the red areas on the weather this morning:(

  2. Such pretty blooms. So happy you shared the peony with us. I love your wheel barrows. I'll share a funny story about an old wheel barrow on my blog soon. Glad you are pleased with your work in the yard; just don't overdo. It is hard to pace ourselves. I am always surprised that I can't do it all at one time!!!
    Karen had shared with me about the threat of bad weather in your area. HOpe all is well.
