Friday, June 13, 2014


My William Baffin rose continues to put out many blooms.  I haven't seen it bloom like this in 4 years.

The old fashion rose that was growing next to my house when I first bought this place in 1976 continues to grow.  It did freeze out over the winter but the small section that survived is putting out blooms. I have never known the name of the rose as it is such an old rose.  Originally it grew along the north of our kitchen but an addition to the house eliminated that. I had allowed it to grow around the corner of the kitchen so it now grows on the west side of the house.

An update report on the morning glories shows they are sending out runners.  I have helped direct them to the trellis and maybe soon I will  have them crawling by growing up the trellis.  Our weather has been strange as we are having very warm days.  Our nights are so cold that my tomato plants just aren't growing well.  I did have to water things last night as we are starting to dry out some.

You can't see them that well but my river birch is covered with hundreds of cicadas. It is cold this morning and they still are buzzing away now.  It was in the upper 40's F. when we started our day. The are flying back and forth on the branches looking like a giant bee hive.  The sound is getting to be not so great to hear.

As I have been recovering from something bad, my mind is still not back to normal.  I can't remember what photos I have been sharing but I had 6 or 8 shots of these cicadas taken to share.  I don't feel like going back to research what I shared but I am certain that I didn't share the barberry shrub with its visitor.

I spent the day yesterday subbing for a janitor by painting a wall.  A year ago we painted that wall  a very vivid green, a school color, and yesterday I spent the most of the day putting white primer on it to cover it up.  I was told that the new principal also wants the other green wall in his office to be gone.  I think this will be my project also when he has a need for a sub again.  I sense that when I work that I will always have a paint roller in my hand along with a trim brush.  I don't mind that kind of work.

 I am not working today.  The not working thing means I will be mowing my yard this morning.  It is very cool so it is a good time to mow. Unfortunately I end up wearing a hooded sweatshirt to keep warm and then shed it once I get going.  It is strange to mow grass with a coat on but I did that one time before early on in the season. I have other garden work today as I  plug away at getting things looking better.  I did get my coral bells plant into the ground last evening and I have to start getting on a watering schedule.  We do have severe storms scheduled for Sunday morning but sometimes we don't get a lot of rain with them.  The last severe storm we had though did gives a heavy downpour.  It really is unpredictable.

A sunny day for us all day today and the local weather keeps saying it will be a perfect day for Friday the 13th.  I hope everyone is okay out there and that you have a good day.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. My coral bell died from the flood of rain we had. My morning glories leaves are yellow from the rain but they are climbing.
    Hope you are wearing a mask to paint. Don't want you sick breathing all that paint.
    LOL the mother in me talking, the Bennie would say leave me alone.

  2. Yes, I had lung problems with my last bout of sickness so I wear a mask when I sand drywall material and off and on with the primer paint. I think I lost my first coral bells from one of our rainy seasons years ago. I just never replaced any of them.

  3. I always enjoy your flowers. I had the same concern as Patsy. Take good care of yourself and I wish you a Happy Father's Day weekend. You two have a nice evening tonight.

  4. Beautiful roses! Ours are having a good yer too -- so far. And I love the picture of the little bluejay!
