Sunday, June 1, 2014

Lots of Green......

The river birch that sits beside my garden shed really is having a good year so far.  I don't remember it having been so leafed out and green as it has this spring.  I did see one of my robin baby birds hanging around low on the bicycle and lower branches waiting for a parent to feed them them  They seem to be more hopping around than actually flying, even thought the could a little to get to a higher branch.

Another shot of a different hardy geranium that had wintered inside shows the great different colors of greens in its leaves. I need to replenish these geraniums will some fresher soil and I hope to get on a fertilizing schedule this summer to help them revive more.

The few parts of the wild rose that survived the winter is just now starting to put out its blooms.  When I am feeling stronger I will have a lot of dead stalks to clear out of the area.  It will be a prickly job.

This seems to be blooming from the bottom up but it really isn't. There had been a first bloom on the top of it and then the end bud of the branch off of the main stem is now in bloom.  I broke off the faded bloom at the top. This is the one iris that my mom had growing all along her garage in Osceola.  It bloomed while all the cemetery iris around it did not put out a single bud.  I may move some of the surrounding ones to help find a better place for them to grow.

I bought the"William Baffin" rose in Duluth, Minnesota. It is a climber.  Three years ago it drowned out which I think I  mentioned before. The past two years were dry and I had very few blooms.  This year the whole plant has resurrected with large long branches and many buds.  I am going to have to tie up the rose so I can mow in the area and will probably tack it to the side of the garden shed. I have a lot of photos of this but they will be shared a few at a time.

Sunday school this morning and a meal out with church friends that we work with in the Asian Ministry. It will be a fun day and it is good to be feeling better.  I am still guarded on my physical activity. I have decided if I stretch all that needs to be done out in short jobs that I will eventually get it all done.  It just won't be done immediately.  I did have a kind man mow my outside yard yesterday.  I achieved getting the dog's backyard mowed and Button was sure pleased with that.  I have grass to pull out of the flower beds but that is being done off and on when I journey out.  It is the kind of water grass that once I have pulled it, the stuff doesn't regrow. 

Everyone have a great Sunday. Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Green looks so good after so much brown.

  2. I love your birch tree.
    We had one at the home before last that I enjoyed. Speaking of that house, a storm last week took out a huge tree that barely missed the house. The lady still keeps in touch via email.
