Sunday, June 15, 2014

Sunday's Stuff..........

It isn't that dangerous unless the one dead branch does fall on someone.  I am betting the next strong winds from the west will take it off of the its perch. Right now it is just laying up there amongst all that new growth of spring.

The three privets took a hit during the cold winter but this one is going to try it again to grow back into a nice bush.  The dead sticks that were left from winter were all trimmed back and carried away yesterday.  I still need to saw the base of the  dead ones down to the ground and will do that one of these days.  The dead sticks are gone and that does look better.  The dead redbud tree standing next to this privet is going to have to be removed.

The leftover skins of the shedding cicadas are all piled up here under the silver maple tree.  We will have dead cicadas now to deal with once they are all done.  I was walking Barney this morning and I could still hear a few out there buzzing away.  I keep having them land on my back and they then crawl up on my neck.  When I brush them away they make the buzzing sound as if they are irritated with me.

Another shot of the old fashion rose next to the house.  I keep taking shots of it as they are so few in number and they are going to be bloomed out so soon.

My peony that originated from my Grandmother is showing an almost normal bloom cycle with blooms all over the plant.  It is about spent now and the shriveled blooms are putting out good color but they don't look so good as a flower.  The stick you see in the foreground is a stick that was giving to me for walking.  I am sure that guy is back in Minnesota already living near Duluth. He takes off early in the spring to live in his Minnesota home among some small lakes.

My wife was able to get her greenhouse plants in the ground about a week ago. We didn't get much rain this morning as it only sprinkled.  I will carry water for the area this afternoon to get the soil's moisture back up to good  growing conditions. We had a struggle to get these in the ground and they lived in the house for about three weeks with life's interruptions delaying their getting put into the ground.

I hope everyone has a good day today.  We are headed to church soon and will eat out before we come home today.  I am really going to try to get some rest in for today and will be do nothing much.
Thanks for stopping in today.


  1. Glad you are going to take it easy this afternoon. All of your flowers are looking good. Those cicadas would gross me out landing on me and then buzzing!!! Looks like we might get thunderstorms this aft.

  2. Would the dead bugs make good fertilize?

  3. Your flowers are looking have some cool insect event there in Iowa:)
